<%@ Language=VBScript%> <% mes="" IsSuccess = false sServer = Trim(Request.Form("txtServer")) sUser = Trim(Request.Form("txtUser")) sPassword = Trim(Request.Form("txtPassword")) if Request("__action")="TestDB" then TestDB() end if Sub TestDB() Err.Clear() on error resume next Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") if len(Err.Description)<>0 then mes = " " & Err.Description & " MSSQL connection can't be established!" else objConn.ConnectionString = _ "DRIVER={SQL Server}" & _ ";Server=" & sServer & _ ";UID=" & sUser & _ ";PWD=" & sPassword objConn.Open if len(Err.Description)<>0 then mes = " " & Err.Description & " MSSQL connection can't be established!" else mes = " MSSQL connection succesfull established!" IsSuccess = true end if end if Set objConn = Nothing End sub Sub Alert(html) if IsSuccess then Response.Write "
Success:" & html & "
" else Response.Write "
Fail:" & html & "
" end if End Sub %> ASP test page.
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ASP possibilities test page

Here you can test the connection possibility with the Microsoft SQL server.

<% if len(mes) > 0 then Alert(mes) end if %>
Test MSSQL Connection

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